“Centre of Clinical Excellence”

Every year many people decide to undergo refractive surgery to avoid wearing glasses and contact lenses.
The most common laser refractive procedures are LASIK (laser-in-situ keratomileusis), LASEK (laser epithelial keratomileusis) and PRK (photorefractive keratectomy).

A small proportion of these patients end up with suboptimal visual results needing glasses, contact lenses or further refractive surgery. For some individuals, contact lenses may be the only option for optimum vision.

In many cases soft lenses can be fitted in the normal way giving good level of vision. Different designs are available with spherical and aspheric optics.

In low degrees of astigmatism after surgery astigmatic soft lenses are available in disposable form.

Custom made soft lenses are the option if soft disposable lenses fail to stabilize to the different curvatures across the cornea and fail to provide adequate vision.

Corneal ectasia is a serious complication after refractive surgery. The cornea has thinned enough to loose its structural support and end up bulging forward giving rise to a condition mimicking keratoconus. Irregular astigmatism is present and only rigid gas permeable lenses will give optimum vision.

Decentred ablations will cause varying degrees of myopia, loss of best corrected vision, monocular diplopia (double vision through one eye) and ghosting especially at night. The severity of symptoms depends on the size of the pupil. Optimal vision will be achieved only with rigid gas permeable lenses.

Our specialist practice gets referrals from ophthalmologists to assess and provide the best possible visual correction to these patients.